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The International trademark VARIOpress was filed as Word mark on 08/04/1998 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: May 2, 2022

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 698533
Register number 39805750
Countries Austria Benelux Switzerland Spain France Italy
Base trademark DE No. 398 05 750, May 19, 1998
Application date August 4, 1998
Expiration date August 4, 2028

Trademark owner

Buchbrunnenweg 26
89081 Ulm

Trademark representatives

Blumenstraße 17 80331 München DE

goods and services

11 Fours dentaires, en particulier fours à cuire en céramique

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
August 3, 2018 2018/48 Gaz Extension
August 4, 2008 2008/34 Gaz Extension
August 4, 1998 1998/19 Gaz DE Registration

ID: 14698533