eco-plus Deutsche Bank


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The International trademark eco-plus Deutsche Bank was filed as Figurative mark on 12/31/1997 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Quadrilaterals #Letters presenting a special form of writing #Two quadrilaterals, one inside the other

Trademark Details Last update: July 17, 2018

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 695407
Register number 39731723
Countries Denmark United Kingdom Lithuania Norway Sweden Austria Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Benelux Belarus Switzerland Czechia Spain France Croatia Hungary Italy Liechtenstein Latvia Monaco Moldova Montenegro Poland Portugal Romania Serbia Slovenia Slovakia San Marino Ukraine
Base trademark DE No. 397 31 723, October 14, 1997
Application date December 31, 1997
Expiration date December 31, 2017

Trademark owner

Taunusanlage 12
60325 Frankfurt

Trademark representatives

Eurotheum, Neue Mainzer Strasse 66-68 DE

goods and services

35 Services of a data bank, namely collection, storage, updating of data and information and supply of data
38 Services of a data bank, namely supply of information as well as distribution (middleman services) of information contained in data banks
42 Services of a data bank, namely offering of access time to large numbers of computers, machine-readable data banks or data media relating to goods, technologies, suppliers and their services in the environmental sector

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
July 14, 2018 2018/28 Gaz Deletion
December 31, 2007 2008/2 Gaz Extension
August 2, 2007 2007/31 Gaz Extension
December 10, 2001 2002/4 Gaz UA RAW: Final Confirmation Refusal
May 2, 2000 2000/9 Gaz SE RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
March 31, 2000 2000/7 Gaz ES RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
November 2, 1999 1999/22 Gaz DE Deletion
October 25, 1999 1999/22 Gaz SE Rejection
August 4, 1999 1999/16 Gaz UA RAW: Disclaimer
July 15, 1999 1999/15 Gaz RU Rejection
May 10, 1999 1999/10 Gaz ES Rejection
December 31, 1997 1998/14 Gaz DE Registration

ID: 14695407