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The International trademark OSTENIL was filed as Word mark on 02/04/1997 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: July 19, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 670622
Register number 436232
Countries United Arab Emirates Bahrain Canada Chile Colombia European Community United Kingdom Georgia Indonesia South Korea Mexico Malaysia Norway New Zealand Oman Pakistan Thailand Turkey United States of America (USA) Uzbekistan Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Bosnia and Herzegovina Benelux Belarus China Cyprus Czechia Germany Algeria Egypt Spain France Croatia Hungary Iran Italy Kazakhstan Latvia Morocco Montenegro Macedonia Poland Portugal Romania Serbia Russia Slovenia Slovakia Ukraine Vietnam
Base trademark CH No. 436 232, April 2, 1996
Application date February 4, 1997
Expiration date February 4, 2027

Trademark owner

Chemin St. Marc 3
1896 Vouvry

Trademark representatives

Chemin de la Vuarpillière 29 1260 Nyon CH

goods and services

05 Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, baby food; plasters, dressing materials; material for stopping teeth and dental wax; disinfectants; vermin destroying preparations; fungicides, herbicides

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
June 2, 2023 2023/23 Gaz Deletion
May 18, 2023 2023/21 Gaz AU Rejection
May 8, 2023 2023/19 Gaz ID Rejection
April 12, 2023 2023/16 Gaz CL Rejection
April 5, 2023 2023/14 Gaz CO Rejection
April 4, 2023 2023/16 Gaz CN Rejection
February 28, 2023 2023/9 Gaz NZ Rejection
February 8, 2023 2023/6 Gaz EM Rejection
February 3, 2023 2023/6 Gaz BY Rejection
December 20, 2022 2022/51 Gaz TR Rejection
August 4, 2022 2022/35 Gaz Correction
March 24, 2021 2021/12 Gaz DZ Rejection
June 12, 2020 2020/26 Gaz Correction
July 26, 2019 2019/46 Gaz MA Rejection
July 10, 2019 2019/30 Gaz CN RAW: Total Invalidation
October 10, 2018 2018/48 Gaz US RAW: Total Invalidation
February 6, 2018 2018/28 Gaz BH Rejection
January 24, 2018 2018/4 Gaz Correction
November 9, 2017 2017/50 Gaz Correction
February 4, 2017 2017/8 Gaz Extension
October 13, 2016 2017/26 Gaz HR Rejection
September 27, 2016 2016/42 Gaz Correction
July 1, 2016 2016/40 Gaz Correction
March 6, 2015 2015/18 Gaz CY RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
April 16, 2014 2014/22 Gaz CH Correction
January 28, 2013 2013/6 Gaz CY Rejection
January 17, 2013 2013/5 Gaz CY Rejection
August 29, 2012 2012/43 Gaz CH Correction
September 22, 2011 2011/48 Gaz US Rejection
November 25, 2010 2010/52 Gaz Correction
September 19, 2007 2007/41 Gaz CH Correction
March 29, 2007 2007/18 Gaz GE RAW: Protection Granted
February 5, 2007 CH Correction
February 4, 2007 2007/9 Gaz Extension
December 12, 2006 2007/2 Gaz AM RAW: Protection Granted
December 8, 2005 2006/1 Gaz CH Correction
December 7, 2004 2004/44 Gaz CH Correction
October 23, 2001 2001/23 Gaz CH Correction
May 18, 2001 2001/11 Gaz DE Decision on opposition
December 15, 2000 2001/2 Gaz CH RAW: Limitation
September 27, 2000 2000/21 Gaz CH Correction
February 22, 1999 1999/4 Gaz ES Decision on opposition
January 11, 1999 1999/3 Gaz HU Decision on opposition
December 21, 1998 1999/2 Gaz GB Decision on opposition
July 23, 1998 1998/15 Gaz GB RAW: Appeal Lapsed
June 10, 1998 1998/12 Gaz GB Rejection
May 18, 1998 1998/12 Gaz CH Correction
April 27, 1998 1998/8 Gaz PT Rejection
April 27, 1998 1998/8 Gaz HU Rejection
February 11, 1998 1998/3 Gaz ES Rejection
February 6, 1998 1998/5 Gaz CH Correction
January 26, 1998 1998/2 Gaz DE Rejection
February 4, 1997 1997/7 Gaz CH Registration

ID: 14670622