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The International trademark OEK was filed as Figurative mark on 07/19/1995 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Horizontally elongated ornamental surfaces #Circles #Different geometrical figures, juxtaposed, joined or intersecting #Letters or numerals forming geometrical figures, written or typographical matter in perspective #Letters presenting a special form of writing #Horizontally elongated surfaces #26.01.01 #Several circles, juxtaposed, tangential or intersecting #Circles or ellipses with one or more other quadrilaterals

Trademark Details Last update: June 8, 2023

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 643008
Register number 2059521
Countries United Kingdom United States of America (USA) Austria Benelux Switzerland Czechia Hungary Italy Poland
Base trademark DE No. 2 059 521, March 10, 1994
Application date July 19, 1995
Expiration date July 19, 2025

Trademark owner

15, Bubesheimer Strasse,

Trademark representatives

13, Rosengasse 89073 ULM DE

goods and services

20 Frames for sign-holders, small sign-holders and price signs made of plastic materials or mainly of plastic materials with aluminium; frames for sign-holders, small sign-holders and price signs made of aluminium or mainly of aluminium with plastic materials

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
June 6, 2023 2023/23 Gaz US RAW: Total Invalidation
July 19, 2015 2015/42 Gaz Extension
September 5, 2012 2013/20 Gaz US RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
June 16, 2006 2006/27 Gaz GB RAW: Protection Granted
March 22, 2006 2006/12 Gaz US Rejection
August 24, 2005 2005/47 Gaz DE Correction
July 19, 1995 1995/9 LMi DE Registration

ID: 14643008