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The International trademark KINDER FRUTTITO was filed as Figurative mark on 07/25/1995 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: April 15, 2021

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 640780
Register number 565396
Countries Uzbekistan Armenia Austria Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Belarus Switzerland China Cuba Czechia Algeria Egypt Spain France Croatia Hungary Kyrgyzstan North Korea Kazakhstan Liechtenstein Latvia Morocco Monaco Moldova Macedonia Mongolia Poland Portugal Romania Serbia Russia Sudan Slovenia Slovakia San Marino Tajikistan Ukraine Vietnam
Base trademark BX No. 565 396, February 16, 1995
Application date July 25, 1995
Expiration date July 25, 2025

Trademark owner

16, Route de Trèves
L-2633 Senningerberg

Trademark representatives

Corso Emilia 8 I-10152 Torino IT

goods and services

30 Café, thé, sucre, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farines et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; poivre, vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir; cacao et produits en cacao tels que pâte à cacao pour boissons, couvertures et glaçages au chocolat, pralines, décorations comestibles en chocolat pour arbres de Noël, produits constitués d'une enveloppe comestible en chocolat remplie d'un liquide alcoolique; articles en sucre; confiserie, y compris la pâtisserie fine et dure; gommes à mâcher, gommes à mâcher sans sucre, bonbons sans sucre

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
July 25, 2015 2015/31 Gaz Extension
May 21, 2001 2001/13 Gaz EG RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
January 28, 1998 1998/2 Gaz AT RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
November 24, 1997 1997/23 Gaz PL RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
February 7, 1997 1997/2 Gaz UA RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
October 24, 1996 1996/15 Gaz BY RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
September 20, 1996 1996/13 Gaz UA Rejection
September 19, 1996 1996/13 Gaz EG Rejection
August 27, 1996 1996/12 Gaz PL Rejection
August 26, 1996 1996/12 Gaz AT Rejection
August 14, 1996 1996/10 Gaz BY Rejection
March 29, 1996 1996/2 Gaz RAW: Balance of Fees
July 25, 1995 1995/8 LMi BX Registration

ID: 14640780