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The International trademark SHOTAPEN was filed as Figurative mark on 03/17/1995 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: July 5, 2023

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 633446
Register number 92448282
Countries Estonia South Korea Lithuania oa Tunisia Bulgaria Czechia Algeria Hungary Morocco Portugal Romania Serbia Russia Slovakia Ukraine Vietnam
Base trademark FR No. 92 448 282, December 24, 1992
Application date March 17, 1995
Expiration date March 17, 2025

Trademark owner

1ère Avenue, 2065 m, L.I.D.,
F-06516 CARROS

goods and services

05 Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products, dietetic products for medical use; disinfectants; preparations for weed and pest control

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
July 3, 2023 2023/27 Gaz Correction
May 8, 2017 2017/19 Gaz KR RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
November 11, 2016 2017/10 Gaz MA Rejection
November 4, 2016 2017/2 Gaz RS Rejection
November 1, 2016 2017/4 Gaz DZ Rejection
September 8, 2016 2016/38 Gaz PT Rejection
August 3, 2016 2016/32 Gaz HU Rejection
August 1, 2016 2016/32 Gaz KR Rejection
December 1, 2015 2015/49 Gaz Correction
March 17, 2015 2015/12 Gaz Extension
August 2, 2012 2012/31 Gaz UA Rejection
March 6, 2012 2012/19 Gaz CZ Rejection
February 1, 2012 2012/9 Gaz EE Rejection
July 6, 2011 2011/32 Gaz FR Correction
May 16, 2011 2011/31 Gaz LT Rejection
July 22, 2010 2010/37 Gaz Correction
March 17, 2005 2005/12 Gaz Extension
April 27, 1998 1998/10 Gaz FR Correction
November 20, 1996 1997/1 Gaz FR Correction
March 17, 1995 1995/4 LMi FR Registration

ID: 14633446