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Die Internationale Marke Rotilabo wurde als Bildmarke am 20.04.1990 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Markendetails Letztes Update: 26. März 2021

Markenform Bildmarke
Aktenzeichen 561499
Registernummer 1150791
Länder Schweiz
Basismarke DE Nr. 1 150 791, 04. Dezember 1989
Anmeldedatum 20. April 1990
Ablaufdatum 20. April 2030


Schoemperlenstrasse 3
76185 Karlsruhe

Waren und Dienstleistungen

01 Chemical products used in industry and science, namely chemical reagents for analyses and syntheses, complementary substances for laboratories, substances countering electric recharging, for microscopy, for tissue culture, for biochemistry and clinical chemistry (namely nutrient media) as well as dewaxing of sliced microtomes
04 Industrial oils and greases, namely heating solution liquids, vacuum oils, silicone oils and silicone greases, special greases for taps and polishing; products for settling, absorbing, wetting and binding dust; substances for eliminating dust
09 Scientific apparatus and instruments such as laboratory apparatus, namely chromatographs, scales, measuring instruments, time switches, autoclaves, including their regulating installations, accident protection clothing, including protective footwear, eyewear and masks
16 Paper products, namely labels, stationery, printing products, blackboards fitted with graphic representations, drawing instruments
17 Chemical products used in industry and science, namely substances for sealing vacuum apparatus and other laboratory apparatus, products made of gum and rubber, namely covering sheets, non-metallic flexible pipes
21 Non-metal containers for chemical substances and chemistry waste, for laboratory use, container glassware for laboratory use, brushes for cleaning laboratory glassware, cleaning brushes; rubber and plastic protective gloves for bottling
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
20. April 2020 2020/17 Gaz Verlängerung
20. April 2010 2010/16 Gaz Verlängerung
21. Februar 2003 2003/5 Gaz GB RAW: Protection Granted
06. Juni 2002 2002/16 Gaz DE Korrektur
20. April 1990 1990/11 LMi DT Eintragung
Teilweise Löschung

ID: 14561499