VANDAMME Napolitain


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The International trademark VANDAMME Napolitain was filed as Figurative mark on 08/21/1990 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Ornamental motifs #Horizontally elongated ornamental surfaces #Letters presenting a special form of writing #Banderoles, cartouches #Horizontally elongated surfaces #Elongated surfaces with one or two long sides convex #Letters linked to a figurative element #Letters in light-coloured characters on a dark background

Trademark Details Last update: August 30, 2021

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 557718
Register number 1581576
Countries Benelux Switzerland Germany Italy
Base trademark FR No. 1 581 576, March 22, 1990
Application date August 21, 1990
Expiration date August 21, 2020

Trademark owner

Three Lakes Drive
Northfield, Illinois 60093

Trademark representatives

31 rue Tronchet F-75008 Paris FR

goods and services

30 Gâteaux

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
August 27, 2021 2021/34 Gaz Deletion
August 21, 2010 2010/34 Gaz Extension
June 23, 1993 1993/6 LMi DT RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
July 21, 1992 1992/7 LMi CH Decision on opposition
September 20, 1991 1991/9 LMi CH Rejection
May 13, 1991 1991/5 LMi DT Rejection
August 21, 1990 1990/9 LMi FR Registration

ID: 14557718