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Die Internationale Marke confern UmzugsPartner wurde als Bildmarke am 25.04.1986 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Pfeile #Zwei Pfeile, doppelköpfige Pfeile #Pfeile kombiniert mit jeder anderen Inschrift (außer A 24.15.17)

Markendetails Letztes Update: 13. September 2021

Markenform Bildmarke
Aktenzeichen 504850
Registernummer 1090366
Länder Europäische Gemeinschaft Schweiz Liechtenstein
Basismarke DE Nr. 1 090 366, 15. April 1986
Anmeldedatum 25. April 1986
Ablaufdatum 25. April 2026


Neckarauer Str. 35/41
68199 Mannheim


Kaiserring 48-50 68161 Mannheim DE

Waren und Dienstleistungen

06 Containers, special containers and transport containers, namely containers closed on all sides thereof, of metal; crates, folding boxes for repeated use, baskets, crates and drums made of metal; kegs and crates of metal or of a combination of metal with wood (metal predominating), as well as chests of metal
09 Motor car accessories, namely fire-extinguishing apparatus for automobiles
11 Safety torches
16 Bags, small bags, conical bags, envelopes for protection and packages of paper, cardboard and plastic
18 Tool cases (empty) of imitation leather
20 Containers, special containers and transport containers, namely containers closed on all sides thereof of wood or plastic; crates, folding boxes for repeated use, baskets, crates and drums made of wood or plastic; kegs and crates of wood or of a combination of wood with metal (wood predominating), as well as chests of plastic
22 Special elastic straps for portable bodies of moving vans
35 Marketing research and studies; market analysis and studies; company consultancy, consultancy in business organization and management; distribution of samples; advertising
36 Insurance underwriting agency
37 Cleaning of buildings and motor vehicles; maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and containers
39 Transport of persons and goods by automobiles; storage of furniture and of goods of all kinds; transport of money and valuables; car rental; packaging of merchandise
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
13. Juni 2016 2016/25 Gaz EM Ablehnung
25. April 2016 2016/22 Gaz Verlängerung
19. Januar 2016 2016/8 Gaz RAW: Partial Cancellation
28. April 2015 2015/30 Gaz Korrektur
25. April 2006 2006/18 Gaz Verlängerung
13. Mai 1993 1993/5 LMi Korrektur
09. September 1988 1988/9 LMi CH Entscheidung zu Widerspruch
04. September 1987 1987/9 LMi CH Ablehnung
30. Juni 1987 1987/6 LMi BX RAW: Partial Invalidation
25. April 1986 1986/8 LMi DT Eintragung
Teilweise Löschung

ID: 14504850