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The International trademark NOBALASTIK was filed as Figurative mark on 10/04/1978 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: July 28, 2022

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 440283
Register number 977214
Countries Austria Benelux Switzerland
Base trademark DE No. 977 214, October 4, 1978
Application date October 4, 1978
Expiration date October 4, 2008

Trademark owner

1-5, Höltkenstrasse,
58300 WETTER

Trademark representatives

3, Theaterplatz 45127 ESSEN DE

goods and services

05 Pansements
10 Bandages élastiques

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
April 17, 2009 2009/16 Gaz Deletion
September 1, 1998 1998/20 Gaz Extension
October 4, 1978 1978/10 LMi DT Registration
October 4, 1978 CH Decision on opposition
Partial deletion

ID: 14440283