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The International trademark LEONARD FASHION was filed as Figurative mark on 04/18/1977 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: February 14, 2020

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 430395
Countries Austria Benelux Switzerland Germany Algeria Egypt Spain Hungary Italy Morocco Monaco Portugal Romania Serbia Russia Vietnam
Base trademark FR No. , December 1, 2024
Application date April 18, 1977
Expiration date April 18, 2027

Trademark owner

31 rue Jean Giraudoux
F-75116 Paris

Trademark representatives

8, rue de Saintonge F-75003 PARIS FR

goods and services

08 Coutellerie, fourchettes, cuillers
14 Vaisselle en métaux précieux
16 Papier à lettres, articles de bureau
21 Vaisselle en matières non précieuses; porcelaine et verrerie
27 Tapis, tentures (sauf en tissus), papiers peints

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
April 18, 2017 2017/18 Gaz Extension
April 18, 2007 2007/23 Gaz Extension
April 18, 1997 1997/8 Gaz Extension
August 8, 1991 1991/8 LMi RAW: Limitation
April 18, 1977 1977/6 LMi FR Registration
April 18, 1977 ES Decision on opposition
April 18, 1977 HU Decision on opposition
April 18, 1977 DD Decision on opposition
April 18, 1977 RO Decision on opposition
Partial deletion

ID: 14430395