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The International trademark SCHÖNER WOHNEN was filed as Figurative mark on 04/05/1976 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: April 4, 2022

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 422379
Register number 938888
Countries Benelux France Italy Liechtenstein Monaco Montenegro Portugal Serbia San Marino
Base trademark DE No. 938 888, December 11, 1975
Application date April 5, 1976
Expiration date April 5, 2026

Trademark owner

Am Baumwall 11
20459 Hamburg

Trademark representatives

Am Sandtorkai 50 20457 Hamburg DE

goods and services

16 Périodiques pour ceux qui s'intéressent au confort de l'habitat

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
April 4, 2016 2016/25 Gaz Extension
June 7, 2007 2007/24 Gaz Extension
April 5, 2006 2006/18 Gaz Extension
April 5, 1996 1996/2 Gaz Extension
May 17, 1995 1995/5 LMi DD Decision on opposition
April 5, 1976 1976/5 LMi DT Registration
April 5, 1976 DD Rejection
April 5, 1976 CS Rejection
Partial deletion

ID: 14422379