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The International trademark Lastic was filed as Figurative mark on 10/11/1962 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: April 24, 2023

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 260787
Register number 681460
Countries Austria Benelux Switzerland Germany Spain France Italy Serbia
Base trademark DE No. 681 460, September 9, 1955
Application date October 11, 1962
Expiration date October 11, 2022

Trademark owner

Im Heerfeld 7
35713 Eschenburg

Trademark representatives

Neuer Wall 10 20354 Hamburg DE

goods and services

01 Produits chimiques pour l'industrie et les sciences
05 Matières d'empreintes pour dentistes, matières pour l'obturation des dents

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
April 22, 2023 2023/16 Gaz Deletion
October 11, 2012 2012/41 Gaz Extension
October 11, 2002 2002/21 Gaz Extension
October 11, 1982 ES Decision on opposition
October 11, 1962 1982/11 LMi DT Registration

ID: 14260787