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The International trademark CHANGEMAKER INDEX was filed as Word mark on 03/08/2023 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: July 14, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1742738
Countries Brazil Canada Indonesia India Kenya Mexico
Base trademark US No. 97598442, September 20, 2022
Application date March 8, 2023
Expiration date March 8, 2033

Trademark owner

1700 North Moore Street, Suite 2000
Arlington VA 22209

Trademark representatives

555 13th Street NW Washington DC 20004 US

goods and services

42 Providing an interactive website featuring technology that allows individuals and organizations to participate in evaluations, tests, surveys, discussions, feedback and assessments to obtain information and insight to assist with properly categorizing individuals and organizations with charitable organizations in the fields of economic issues, social issues, environmental issues, health and fitness, humanitarian activities, community activism, charitable services, fundraising, philanthropic services, and business consulting (term considered too vague by the International Bureau - Rule 13 (2) (b) of the Regulations)

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
March 8, 2023 2023/28 Gaz US Registration

ID: 141742738