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Die Internationale Marke BC! wurde als Bildmarke am 28.02.2023 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Zeichen, Notationen, Symbole #Quadrilateralen #Briefe, die eine besondere Form des Schreibens darstellen #Farben #Ausrufezeichen, Fragezeichen #Ein Viereck #Quadrilaterale, die einen oder mehrere Buchstaben enthalten #Quadrilaterale mit dunklen Flächen oder Teilen von Flächen #Monogramme, die aus verschlungenen, überlappenden oder anderweitig kombinierten Buchstaben bestehen #Drei vorherrschende Farben

Markendetails Letztes Update: 22. Juni 2023

Markenform Bildmarke
Aktenzeichen 1738436
Länder Österreich Benelux Spanien Frankreich Italien Portugal Russland
Basismarke DE Nr. 30 2022 020 210, 22. Dezember 2022
Anmeldedatum 28. Februar 2023
Ablaufdatum 28. Februar 2033


Kinzigstraße 17
61137 Schöneck


Waren und Dienstleistungen

09 Electronic publications [downloadable]; image files for downloading; computer software [stored]; application software, in particular apps
16 Printed matter of all kinds, in particular newspapers, magazines, books
35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office work; advertising arrangement and management; dissemination of advertisements; public relations; marketing; collecting, systematizing and updating data in a computer database, especially educational and entertainment news content, collecting and compiling electronic data in the form of thematic press articles and photographs; publication of printed matter for advertising purposes
38 Telecommunications; providing access to software in data networks for internet access; providing access to information on the internet; providing access to portals on the Internet; transmission of news and images by means of computers; providing access to information services on the internet, in particular educational and entertainment news content; services of an online provider, namely providing access to and transmission of information; rental of access time to global computer networks; provision of an internet chat room, in particular of an educational and entertainment nature; sound and image transmission by satellite; provision of information on databases by rental of access time thereto
41 Publishing services, except printing; providing electronic publications [not downloadable], except for advertising purposes; publishing and dissemination of publications, in particular books, newspapers and magazines, also in electronic form and on the internet [not downloadable and except for advertising purposes]; editing and publishing of electronic publications, information journals, images, texts, newspapers; compilation and production of news programs for transmission via the internet
42 Development of programs for data processing; conception and design of Internet pages and home pages; provision of server space [server hosting]; provision of search engines for the Internet
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
28. Februar 2023 2023/25 Gaz DE Eintragung

ID: 141738436