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Die Internationale Marke SenseHUB wurde als Wortmarke am 08.02.2023 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Markendetails Letztes Update: 21. Juni 2023

Markenform Wortmarke
Aktenzeichen 1721966
Registernummer 792748
Länder Australien Brasilien Kanada Europäische Gemeinschaft Japan Südkorea Mexiko Norwegen Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA) China Russland
Basismarke CH Nr. 792748, 24. August 2022
Anmeldedatum 08. Februar 2023
Ablaufdatum 08. Februar 2033


Hohenrainstrasse 10
4133 Pratteln


Badstrasse 5, Postfach CH

Waren und Dienstleistungen

09 Software and software platform for determining and displaying the condition of mixing, grinding, kneading and granulating machines, including peripherals therefor, for the chemical industry, specialty chemistry, the pharmaceutical industry, the plastic, rubber and textile industry, the cosmetics industry and the food industry; software for determining machine status and maintenance requirements based on sensor, process and operation data for monitoring the status and for predictive maintenance of mixing, grinding, kneading and granulating machines
37 Inspection, repair, servicing or maintenance services for mixing, grinding, kneading and granulating machines, including peripheral equipment therefor, for the chemical industry, for specialty chemistry, for the pharmaceutical industry, for the plastics, rubber and textile industry, for the cosmetics and food industry
42 Online storage and technological assessment of data on the status of mixing, grinding, kneading and granulating machines, including peripherals therefor, for the chemical industry, for specialty chemistry, for the pharmaceutical industry, for the plastics, rubber and textile industry, for the cosmetics and food industry; monitoring mixing, grinding, kneading and granulating machines using sensor data
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
19. Juni 2023 2023/25 Gaz RU Ablehnung
14. April 2023 2023/15 Gaz AU Ablehnung
08. Februar 2023 2023/11 Gaz CH Eintragung

ID: 141721966