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The International trademark CISA was filed as Word mark on 12/01/2022 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: August 3, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1713498
Countries Australia Brazil Canada China European Community United Kingdom Indonesia India Japan South Korea Mexico Philippines Russia Singapore
Base trademark US No. 97456924, June 14, 2022
Application date December 1, 2022
Expiration date December 1, 2032

Trademark owner

Trademark representatives

77 W. Wacker Drive, Suite 3100 US

goods and services

09 Downloadable electronic publications, namely, educational course materials and study materials in the fields of information systems auditing, electronic data processing auditing, data processing control, data auditing, data protection, protection of information assets, information systems audit management, and certifying information systems auditing
16 Printed manuals and printed course, study and examination materials in the fields of information systems auditing, electronic data processing auditing, data processing control, data auditing, data protection, protection of information assets, information systems audit management, and certifying information systems auditing
41 Providing online courses of instruction in the fields of information systems auditing, electronic data processing auditing, data processing control, data auditing, data protection, protection of information assets, information systems audit management, and certifying information systems auditing via a website; educational services, namely, conducting online and in-person seminars and courses in the fields of information systems auditing, electronic data processing auditing, data processing control, data auditing, data protection, protection of information assets, information systems audit management, and certifying information systems auditing; educational services, namely, providing in-person and online seminars, and administering in-course examinations in the fields of information systems auditing, electronic data processing auditing, data processing control, data auditing, data protection, protection of information assets, information systems audit management, and certifying information systems auditing

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
August 2, 2023 2023/31 Gaz GB Rejection
July 3, 2023 2023/28 Gaz EM Rejection
June 16, 2023 2023/25 Gaz CN Rejection
May 23, 2023 2023/21 Gaz RU Rejection
May 16, 2023 2023/20 Gaz AU Rejection
March 6, 2023 2023/10 Gaz PH Rejection
December 1, 2022 2023/5 Gaz US Registration

ID: 141713498