TRACKER.COM Locate anything anytime


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Die Internationale Marke TRACKER.COM Locate anything anytime wurde als Bildmarke am 15.06.2022 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Zeichen, Notationen, Symbole #Dreiecke, Linien, die einen Winkel bilden #Andere geometrische Figuren, undefinierbare Designs #Briefe, die eine besondere Form des Schreibens darstellen #Punkte #Linien oder Bänder, die einen Winkel bilden #Serie von Briefen, die verschiedene Formen des Schreibens darstellen #Buchstabenreihen in verschiedenen Dimensionen

Markendetails Letztes Update: 09. März 2023

Markenform Bildmarke
Aktenzeichen 1689740
Registernummer 782688
Länder Europäische Gemeinschaft Großbritannien
Basismarke CH Nr. 782688, 07. Januar 2022
Anmeldedatum 15. Juni 2022
Ablaufdatum 15. Juni 2032


Webereistrasse 47
8134 Adliswil


Falkenplatz 7, Postfach CH

Waren und Dienstleistungen

09 Satellite navigation apparatus; photographic and surveying instruments; optical, measuring, signalling, checking [supervision] and life saving instruments; magnetic recording media; apparatus and instruments for directing, distributing, transforming, regulating or controlling electric current; recorded computer programs; data processing apparatus and computers; electrical surveillance devices; computer; recorded computer operating system programs; computer peripherals; software (downloadable); software; data processing apparatus; interfaces (for computers); peripherals; modems; monitors (computer programs); computer programs; electronic publications; electronic tags for goods; stored (computer) software; memories for data processing equipment; telephones (mobile)
16 Printing products (printed matter)
35 Advertising, commercial business management, office functions, commercial administration, business advice for businesses
37 Installation, maintenance and repair of computer hardware
38 Telecommunications; rental of telecommunication apparatus; providing user access to global computer networks; connection by telecommunications to a global computer network; providing chat rooms on the Internet; provision of telecommunication channels for teleshopping services; providing forums (chatrooms) for the purpose of sending messages between users; communications by fiber-optic networks; communications by computer terminals; telephone communications; telecommunication routing and junction services; mobile telephone communication services; message transmission; computer-aided transmission of messages and images; transmission of emails; rental of communication equipment; voice messaging services; facsimile transmission; telephone services; teleconferencing services; teleshopping services; rental of modems; rental of telephones; rental of access time to global computer networks; providing access to databases
39 Transportation logistics services
41 Training; organizing and conducting workshops; sporting activities; rental of sporting equipment
42 Development, maintenance and rental of computer software and computer hardware; computer rental; updating of software; computer software consulting; advisory services (computing); providing search engines for the Internet; computer data recovery; installation of computer programs; duplication of computer programs; design of computer software; rental of computer software; maintenance of computer software; computer system analysis; computer system design; computer virus protection services; computer programming; computer system design; creation and maintenance of websites for third parties; software installation; conversion of computer programs and data, other than physical conversion; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; technical project planning; rental and maintenance of storage space for use as a website for third parties (hosting); rental of web servers; providing web servers
45 Software licensing (legal services)
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
07. März 2023 2023/10 Gaz EM Ablehnung
10. Januar 2023 2023/2 Gaz GB Ablehnung
15. Juni 2022 2022/39 Gaz CH Eintragung

ID: 141689740