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Die Internationale Marke NITRAS wurde als Bildmarke am 31.03.2022 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Verschiedene geometrische Figuren, nebeneinander, verbunden oder sich überschneidend #Briefe, die eine besondere Form des Schreibens darstellen #Dreiecke oder Linien, die einen Winkel mit einem oder mehreren Vierecken bilden

Markendetails Letztes Update: 30. August 2022

Markenform Bildmarke
Aktenzeichen 1682180
Registernummer 302021116889
Länder Ghana
Basismarke DE Nr. 30 2021 116 889, 21. Oktober 2021
Anmeldedatum 31. März 2022
Ablaufdatum 31. März 2032


Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 11
50181 Bedburg


Maximiliansplatz 12 b 80333 München DE

Waren und Dienstleistungen

05 Pharmaceuticals; veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; disinfectants; swabs for medical use; cleaning cloths impregnated with disinfectant for hygiene purposes; antiseptic cleansers; bacteria fighting cleanser; cleansing solutions for medical use; cleaning solvents for removing adhesive plasters; cleaners [preparations] for sterilising surgical instruments; cleaners [preparations] for sterilising dental instruments; preparations for cleansing the skin for medical use; absorbent sanitary articles; hygienic preparations for veterinary use; sanitary sterilising preparations; hygienic preparations and articles
09 Protective work clothing [for protection against accident or injury]; goggles; clothing for protection against biological hazards; clothing for protection against chemicals; clothes for protection against injury; elbow protectors (protective -) for use against accidents [other than sports articles]; face guards for protection against accident or injury; face- protection shields; workmen's protective face- shields; gloves for protection against accidents; gloves for protection against accidents; headgear being protective helmets; headgear for protection against accident; headgear for protection against injury; footwear for protection against fire; footwear for protection against irradiation; footwear for protection against biological hazards; footwear for protection against chemical spills; footwear for protection against accidents; protective suits [against accident or injury]; protective clothing for the prevention of injury; gloves for protection against X-rays for industrial purposes; head protection; protective masks; protective visors; protective shoes [against accident or injury]; boots [protective footwear]; protective visors; protection devices against X-rays, not for medical purposes; safety clothing for protection against accident or injury; safety gloves for protection against accident or injury; safety footwear for protection against accident or injury; safety boots for use in industry [for protection against accident or injury]; abdomen protectors for protection against injury [other than parts of sports suits or adapted for use in specific sporting activities]; thermal protective aids [clothing] for protection against accident or injury
10 Metering pumps for delivering drugs in measured quantities [medical use]; sheets [drapes] for medical use; mattresses for medical use; protective bonnets for the hair for wear by dental practitioners; protective bonnets for the hair for wear by veterinary practitioners; gowns for surgical use; spatulas for medical use; nebulizers for medical use; clothing, headgear and footwear for medical personnel and patients; clothing, headgear and footwear for medical, veterinary and dental use; protective masks for medical, veterinary and dental use; protective visors for medical, veterinary and dental use; protective clothing for medical, veterinary and dental purposes; protective gloves for medical, veterinary and dental purposes; disposable gloves for medical, veterinary and dental use; protective structures against radiation [for medical use]; orthopaedic footwear; orthotic inserts for footwear; sterile sheets, surgical; surgical gloves; clothing for operating rooms; face shields for medical, veterinary and dental use
17 Work gloves of plastic nitrile rubber, insulating gloves; polyethylene sheeting for use in cloches
25 Clothing; footwear; headgear
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
31. März 2022 2022/35 Gaz DE Eintragung

ID: 141682180