H2 Global


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Die Internationale Marke H2 Global wurde als Wortmarke am 19.01.2022 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Markendetails Letztes Update: 19. Juli 2023

Markenform Wortmarke
Aktenzeichen 1662903
Registernummer 018517398
Länder Albanien Australien Kanada Schweiz China Großbritannien Israel Japan Südkorea Liechtenstein Neuseeland oa Russland Ukraine Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA)
Basismarke EU Nr. 018517398, 02. Dezember 2021
Anmeldedatum 19. Januar 2022
Ablaufdatum 19. Januar 2032


Eulenkrugstraße 82
22359 Hamburg


Willy-Brandt-Allee 11 53113 Bonn DE

Waren und Dienstleistungen

01 Industrial chemicals; chemicals used in science
04 Fuel
07 Machines and installations for producing electricity from wind, sun and hydroelectric power; machines and installations for water electrolysis; machines and installations for producing electricity-based fuels and raw materials
09 Apparatus and instruments for controlling electricity; apparatus and instruments for accumulating electricity; apparatus and instruments for switching electricity; apparatus and instruments for transforming electricity; apparatus and instruments for regulating electricity; apparatus and instruments for conducting electricity
35 Arranging of contractual [trade]services with third parties; wholesaling of chemicals; wholesale services in relation to fuels; wholesaling services, in relation the following goods: machines and installations for producing electricity from wind, sun and hydroelectric power; wholesaling services, in relation the following goods: machines and installations for water electrolysis; wholesaling services, in relation the following goods: machines and installations for producing electricity-based fuels and raw materials; wholesaling services, in relation the following goods: apparatus and instruments for regulating electricity; wholesaling services, in relation the following goods: apparatus and instruments for storing energy; wholesaling services, in relation the following goods: apparatus and instruments for switching energy; wholesaling services, in relation the following goods: apparatus and instruments for transforming electricity; wholesaling services, in relation the following goods: apparatus and instruments for regulating energy; wholesaling services, in relation the following goods: apparatus and instruments for conducting electricity; computerized online ordering services, in relation the following goods: industrial chemicals; computerized online ordering services, in relation the following goods: chemicals used in science; computerized online ordering services, in relation the following goods: fuels; computerized online ordering services, in relation the following goods: apparatus and instruments for regulating electricity; computerized online ordering services, in relation the following goods: apparatus and instruments for storing energy; computerized online ordering services, in relation the following goods: apparatus and instruments for switching energy; computerized online ordering services, in relation the following goods: apparatus and instruments for transforming electricity; computerized online ordering services, in relation the following goods: apparatus and instruments for regulating energy; computerized online ordering services, in relation the following goods: apparatus and instruments for conducting electricity; computerized online ordering services, in relation the following goods: machines and installations for producing electricity from wind, sun and hydroelectric power; computerized online ordering services, in relation the following goods: machines and installations for water electrolysis; computerized online ordering services, in relation the following goods: machines and installations for producing electricity-based fuels and raw materials
36 Finance services; monetary affairs; banking
38 Telecommunication services; transfer of information and data via online services and the internet; providing access to online computer databases
42 Industrial research; industrial research; industrial design; quality control and authentication services; scientific and technological services; technological research; scientific services and design relating thereto; technological services and design relating thereto; scientific research
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
15. Juli 2023 2023/29 Gaz KR Ablehnung
21. Juni 2023 2023/29 Gaz RAW: Limitation
16. Mai 2023 2023/20 Gaz LI Ablehnung
11. Mai 2023 2023/20 Gaz IL Ablehnung
20. April 2023 2023/16 Gaz CH Ablehnung
11. April 2023 2023/16 Gaz AL Ablehnung
05. April 2023 2023/14 Gaz OA Ablehnung
05. April 2023 2023/14 Gaz UA Ablehnung
23. März 2023 2023/13 Gaz JP Ablehnung
09. März 2023 2023/10 Gaz RU RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
18. Januar 2023 2023/3 Gaz US Ablehnung
20. Oktober 2022 2022/44 Gaz IL Ablehnung
10. Oktober 2022 2022/41 Gaz CN Ablehnung
09. September 2022 2022/41 Gaz NZ Ablehnung
24. August 2022 2022/34 Gaz GB Ablehnung
11. August 2022 2022/32 Gaz RU Ablehnung
08. Juni 2022 2022/24 Gaz AU Ablehnung
19. Januar 2022 2022/19 Gaz EM Eintragung

ID: 141662903