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The International trademark BALL was filed as Word mark on 04/26/2022 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: November 8, 2022

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1662616
Register number 6206703
Countries China
Base trademark US No. 6206703, November 24, 2020
Application date April 26, 2022
Expiration date April 26, 2032

Trademark owner

9200 West 108th Circle
Westminster CO 80021

Trademark representatives

1560 Broadway, Suite 1200 Denver CO 80202 US

goods and services

21 Cups; metal cups; metal beverage cups; cups, not of precious metal; drinking cups not of precious metal; drinking cups made from recycled aluminum; drinking cups made from aluminum; recyclable and re-usable drinking cups; disposable drinking cups; drinkware; aluminum beverage cups sold empty; stackable metal beverage cups sold empty; drinking vessels
40 Manufacture of disposable and reusable and recyclable products to the order and specification of others, namely, metal cups and drinking vessels

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
November 4, 2022 2022/45 Gaz CN Rejection
April 26, 2022 2022/19 Gaz US Registration

ID: 141662616