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The International trademark was filed as Figurative mark on 01/28/2022 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Aquatic animals, scorpions #Reptiles, amphibia, snails, seals, sea lions #Plants, objects or geometrical figures representing a personage or an animal; masks or fantastic or unidentifiable heads #Other plants #Coral, coral reef #Animals of division 3.9 stylized #Tortoises #Animals of division 3.11 stylized #Geometrical fig. or solids or combinations of geometrical fig. or solids representing an animal #Algae, seaweeds and other plants, aromic plants (basilicum, parsley, mint, dill ….), saffron

Trademark Details Last update: June 9, 2023

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 1657046
Countries China European Community United Kingdom South Korea Thailand
Base trademark JP No. 2021-131077, October 21, 2021
Application date January 28, 2022
Expiration date January 28, 2032

Trademark owner

14-10, Nihonbashi Kayabacho 1-chome,

Trademark representatives

Baker & McKenzie (Gaikokuho Joint Enterprise), Ark Hills Sengokuyama Mori Tower 28F, JP

goods and services

03 Soaps; cosmetics; perfume and fragrances; incense

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
June 2, 2023 2023/23 Gaz KR Rejection
January 30, 2023 2023/5 Gaz CN Rejection
September 12, 2022 2022/37 Gaz EM Rejection
July 27, 2022 2022/30 Gaz GB Rejection
January 28, 2022 2022/14 Gaz JP Registration

ID: 141657046