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The International trademark HYPSTER was filed as Word mark on 02/17/2022 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: February 13, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1650723
Countries Switzerland United Kingdom Morocco Turkey
Base trademark EU No. 018656915, February 17, 2022
Application date February 17, 2022
Expiration date February 17, 2032

Trademark owner

122-122 bis avenue du Général Leclerc

goods and services

12 Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, automobiles, their components, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; shock absorbers for automobiles; headrests for vehicle seats; transmission shafts for land vehicles; gear boxes for land vehicles; hoods for vehicles; automobile hoods; hoods for vehicle engines; automobile bodies; safety belts for vehicle seats; automobile chassis; hydraulic circuits for vehicles; air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; brake disks for vehicles; clutches for land vehicles; hub caps; windshield wipers; vehicle brakes; vehicle wheel rims; vehicle running boards; motors and engines for land vehicles; windshields; bumpers for automobiles; tires; luggage carriers for vehicles; doors for vehicles; vehicle wheels; rearview mirrors; vehicle seats; windows for vehicles; steering wheels for vehicles; fitted vehicle covers

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
February 9, 2023 2023/6 Gaz CH Rejection
August 25, 2022 2022/35 Gaz TR Rejection
August 24, 2022 2022/35 Gaz GB Rejection
February 17, 2022 2022/9 Gaz EM Registration

ID: 141650723