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The International trademark GRIDOPS was filed as Word mark on 01/04/2022 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: July 12, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1649699
Register number 018513303
Countries Australia Brazil Canada Switzerland United Kingdom India South Korea Norway New Zealand Russia United States of America (USA)
Base trademark EU No. 018513303, November 24, 2021
Application date January 4, 2022
Expiration date January 4, 2032

Trademark owner

Oberes Ried 1
A-6833 Klaus

Trademark representatives

Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70 A-1040 Wien AT

goods and services

09 Software for the visualisation, analysis and monitoring of an energy supply system and electricity supply networks; software for the visualisation, analysis and monitoring of a data communications network in an energy supply system and electricity supply networks; software for the visualisation, analysis, monitoring and storage of data in an energy supply system and electricity supply networks, in particular data in data communications networks, switch installations, measurement data in protection and control engineering, alarm messages and status information, monitoring of a data communications network, data security devices for a data communications network; software for administration of electric test and control apparatus, data communications apparatus and apparatus for monitoring and security of data communication in an energy supply system and electricity supply networks; software for detecting and evaluating data communications in a data communications network; software for monitoring and testing data communication between computers and apparatus

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
July 7, 2023 2023/28 Gaz CA Rejection
July 3, 2023 2023/27 Gaz KR Rejection
March 9, 2023 2023/10 Gaz NO Rejection
February 15, 2023 2023/7 Gaz BR Rejection
February 2, 2023 2023/5 Gaz CH Rejection
January 3, 2023 2023/1 Gaz US Rejection
November 1, 2022 2022/44 Gaz NZ Rejection
June 20, 2022 2022/25 Gaz RU Rejection
June 8, 2022 2022/23 Gaz GB Rejection
March 21, 2022 2022/12 Gaz IN Rejection
March 11, 2022 2022/11 Gaz AU Rejection
January 4, 2022 2022/8 Gaz EM Registration

ID: 141649699