AI is where the data is


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Die Internationale Marke AI is where the data is wurde als Wortmarke am 09.12.2021 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Markendetails Letztes Update: 20. September 2022

Markenform Wortmarke
Aktenzeichen 1646138
Registernummer 018495423
Länder Großbritannien
Basismarke EU Nr. 018495423, 02. Dezember 2021
Anmeldedatum 09. Dezember 2021
Ablaufdatum 09. Dezember 2031


Paul-Ehrlich-Strasse 15
72076 Tübingen


Alstertor 21 20095 Hamburg DE

Waren und Dienstleistungen

09 Bioinformatics software; graphical user interface software; artificial intelligence and machine learning software for genome analysis, developing personal treatment strategies for patients with diagnosed cancer, analyzing, screening, identifying, quantifying, and interpreting data in the field of mass spectrometry and next-generation sequencing (NGS); electronic databases for bioinformatic purposes; next-generation sequencing (NGS) data processor; bioinformatics data processor; computer software
35 Business statistical services and modeling with respect to cancer treatment and cancer diagnosis
42 Computer programming in the medical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological field; database design; database maintenance; programming of software for importing and managing data; information technology services for the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries; computer programming for data processing; non-downloadable computer software; conducting evaluations in the field of pharmaceuticals; consulting services in the fields of biotechnology and pharmaceutical research; pharmaceutical product development and evaluation services; pharmaceutical research and development; providing medical and scientific research information in the field of pharmaceuticals and clinical trials; research and development of pharmaceuticals for the treatment of cancer; technical research in the field of pharmaceutical studies; development of platform technology, namely, cancer immunotherapy platforms for manufacturing therapeutics; conducting clinical trials in the field of pharmaceuticals for the treatment and prevention of cancer; collection of specific molecular and genomic data for analytical and clinical purposes, for the treatment of cancer and other diseases and disorders and for individuals' responses to drug treatments; research and development of medicines and diagnostic agents for cancer treatment and cancer diagnosis; providing scientific advice in the fields of cancer biology, cancer treatment, pharmaceutical side effects, genomics, cancer medicine and translational medicine; providing scientific analysis in the field of next-generation sequencing (NGS) with respect to the analysis and interpretation of genomic data obtained from cancer patients; providing an online, non-downloadable computer software platform for purposes of storing and providing information about an individual's cancer profile and genomic changes to enable physicians and healthcare professionals to optimize treatment in clinical practice; research and development services in the field of immunology
44 Medical and pharmaceutical services
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
25. Mai 2022 2022/21 Gaz GB Ablehnung
09. Dezember 2021 2022/6 Gaz EM Eintragung

ID: 141646138