your best locker & delivery


Schützen Sie diese Marke vor Nachahmern!

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Die Internationale Marke your best locker & delivery wurde als Bildmarke am 06.04.2021 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Zeichen, Notationen, Symbole #Briefe, die eine besondere Form des Schreibens darstellen #Andere Zeichen, Notationen oder Symbole, º (temp), #, Strichcodes #In doppelter Gliederung geschriebene Briefe

Markendetails Letztes Update: 11. Januar 2022

Markenform Bildmarke
Aktenzeichen 1601814
Länder Spanien Frankreich
Basismarke IT Nr. 302020000118427, 29. Dezember 2020
Anmeldedatum 06. April 2021
Ablaufdatum 06. April 2031


Via dell'Artigianato, 25


Via Meravigli, 16 I-20123 Milano IT

Waren und Dienstleistungen

07 Automatic vending machines for food and beverages; vending machines; refrigerated vending machines; coin-operated vending machines; beverage preparation machines, electromechanical; food preparation machines, electromechanical; food processors, electric; electromechanical machines for food or beverage preparation; food and beverage processing and preparation machines and apparatus; coffee grinders, other than hand-operated; machine tools, power-operated tools; motors, other than for land vehicles; automatic vending machines
35 On-line ordering services in the field of restaurant take-out and delivery; on-line ordering services; ordering services for third parties; retail and wholesale services, also on-line, of food and beverage; retail and wholesale services, also on-line, of prepared meals and pre-packaged dinners; retail and wholesale services, also on-line, of vending machines; administrative processing of purchase orders; business management of vending machines; rental of vending machines; providing commercial information and advice for consumers in the choice of products and services; providing consumer product information; providing consumer information relating to goods and services; providing information and advice to consumers regarding the selection of products and items to be purchased; commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; sales promotion for others; outsourcing services [business assistance]; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; administration of consumer loyalty programs; loyalty scheme services; organization, operation and supervision of sales and promotional incentive schemes; promoting the goods and services of others by means of a preferred customer program; advertising, marketing and promotion services; advertising relating to transport and delivery services; business consultancy, in the field of transport and delivery; business administration in the field of transport and delivery; providing advice relating to the analysis of consumer buying habits; consumer research; direct mail advertising
39 Delivery services; food delivery services; delivery of food by restaurants; delivery of hampers containing food and drink; delivery of food and drink prepared for consumption; delivery services of prepared meals and pre-packaged dinners; transportation and delivery of food and beverages; delivery of goods by mail order; delivery of goods; provision of warehousing services and facilities; provision of storage facilities in a warehouse or other building; transport, delivery, packaging, and storage of goods; same day delivery services; temporary storage of deliveries; transportation and delivery of goods, samples and merchandise of all kinds by road, rail and ship; replenishment of vending machines; arranging transportation of goods; arrangement of transportation; packing of food; refrigerated transportation of food; advisory services relating to the delivery of goods; supply chain logistics and reverse logistics services consisting of the storage, transportation and delivery of freight; transport reservation; rental of warehouse space; food packaging; transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement
41 Training relating to the restaurant industry; education services relating to the provision of restaurant services; provision of instruction relating to nutrition; provision of educational courses relating to diet; publishing services [including electronic publishing services]; electronic publishing services; publication of printed matter, also in electronic form, other than for advertising purposes; publication of texts, other than publicity texts; providing electronic publications, not downloadable; providing on-line publications; training; training and instruction; education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities
42 Product research and development; food research; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for processing electronic payments; programming of multimedia applications; technical support services relating to computer software and applications; design and development of computer software for logistics, supply chain management and e-business portals; design and development of computer hardware and software
43 Reservation services for booking meals; take-out restaurant services; takeaway food and drink services; take-away food services; supplying of meals for immediate consumption; serving of food and drink; services for the preparation of food and drink; preparation of food and drink for immediate consumption; preparation and provision of food and drink for consumption on and off the premises; mobile restaurant services; food and drink catering; office catering services for the provision of coffee, food and drink; information, advice and reservation services for the provision of food and drink; take-away food services; take-away fast food services; café, cafeteria and restaurant services; services for providing food and drink
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
06. Januar 2022 2022/2 Gaz FR Ablehnung
10. November 2021 2021/45 Gaz ES Ablehnung
06. April 2021 2021/26 Gaz IT Eintragung

ID: 141601814