P easy 2 park


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Die Internationale Marke P easy 2 park wurde als Bildmarke am 26.04.2020 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Zeichen, Notationen, Symbole #Quadrilateralen #Briefe, die eine besondere Form des Schreibens darstellen #Zahlen, die eine besondere Form der Schrift darstellen #Andere Zeichen, Notationen oder Symbole, º (temp), #, Strichcodes #Andere unregelmäßige Parallelogramme, Trapezien und Vierecke, Vierecke mit einer oder mehreren abgerundeten Ecken #Ein Viereck #Vierecke mit anderen figurativen Elementen #Vierecke mit einer oder mehreren Ziffern #Quadrilaterale, die einen oder mehrere Buchstaben enthalten #Buchstabenreihen in verschiedenen Dimensionen #Zahlen, die einem Buchstaben oder einem Bildelement gegenübergestellt oder mit diesem verbunden sind

Markendetails Letztes Update: 28. November 2020

Markenform Bildmarke
Aktenzeichen 1536756
Registernummer 743207
Länder Europäische Gemeinschaft
Basismarke CH Nr. 743207, 04. Februar 2020
Anmeldedatum 26. April 2020
Ablaufdatum 26. April 2030


Aarauerstrasse 69
5200 Brugg


Mellingerstrasse 2a Postfach 2006 CH

Waren und Dienstleistungen

09 Databases, namely, computer hardware and software for data organization, storage and access; data memories, namely, computer hardware and software for data collection and maintenance; downloadable data; software; application software (apps), in particular for the management of parking spaces and car parks; software for the management of parking spaces; software for the management of payment flows and payment settlement process; software for the management of parking ticket dispensers and other payment systems; software for smartphones (apps) and other mobile devices; apparatus and software for payment with credit and debit cards; software for reservation and accounting of access authorization, in particular for parking; technical apparatus and instruments for control and management of the progress of parking management systems; software for the award of special remuneration for special persons and groups of persons, in particular for the management of parking spaces and car parks; software, apps for mobile telephones, on-board systems in vehicles and apparatus (time machines and cash register systems) for tax collection systems for covered parking spaces and car parks; electronic payment terminals; apparatus for electronic payment processing; software and apparatus for vehicle detection systems (cameras, induction loops, floor and ceiling sensors, radio-frequency identification); apparatus of monitoring and controlling regarding vehicle movements; monitoring cameras; video surveillance systems; portable hand-held devices and software enabling staff to control covered car parks and parking spaces; coin-operated gates for car parks; alarm apparatus; counters; parking meters; magnetic identity cards; parking ticket dispensers as well as component parts and accessories thereof, included in this class
38 Provision of access to databases; provision, establishment and rental of access time to databases, telecommunication via computer networks; provision, switching and rental of access time to computer databases, computer networks and interactive computer connection networks; provision of access to computer networks, Internet platforms, databases and electronic publications; remote access supply to data (provision of telecommunication service); data transfer; electronic transmission of data and other information via computer networks and via communication networks; exchange of electronic data; on-line information services, namely, provision of access to computer networks; database data transmission
39 Rental of car parks; garage rental; car park services; management of parking spaces and car parks; reserved parking circuit service
42 Updating, design, installation, maintenance and rental of software; provision of non-downloadable software by means of telecommunication links; provision of software by computer networks (in particular by the Internet); provision of Internet platforms; provision of software by data lines; data backup; design of programs for data processing, particularly in connection with management of fleets of vehicles and parking spaces and car parks; cloud computing; outsourced IT services; server hosting; software as a service (SaaS)
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Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
09. November 2020 2020/46 Gaz EM Ablehnung
26. April 2020 2020/23 Gaz CH Eintragung

ID: 141536756