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Die Internationale Marke TEACHY wurde als Bildmarke am 04.09.2018 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Blumen, Blüten #Kreise #Andere geometrische Figuren, undefinierbare Designs #Briefe, die eine besondere Form des Schreibens darstellen #Stilisierte Blumen #Eine Blume #Mehrere Kreise, nebeneinanderliegend, tangential oder sich überschneidend

Markendetails Letztes Update: 24. Mai 2019

Markenform Bildmarke
Aktenzeichen 1439711
Registernummer 713862
Länder Europäische Gemeinschaft
Basismarke CH Nr. 713862, 05. März 2018
Anmeldedatum 04. September 2018
Ablaufdatum 04. September 2028


Hochbühlweg 5
3012 Bern


Kesslerstrasse 9 9001 St. Gallen CH

Waren und Dienstleistungen

09 Software; instructional and teaching instruments and apparatus; educational software
16 Instructional or teaching material; flyers
41 Education; training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; information relating to education; training and further training for personnel development; career and vocational training; personalized coaching as a training service; consultancy in the field of education and training; entertainment and education information provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet; vocational retraining; vocational training services; vocational guidance (education or training advice); professional teaching and training services; lending library services; coaching (education and training); computer-assisted training; practical training (demonstration); library services; conducting training seminars; adult training; conducting of educational courses; conducting of training workshops; adult education; education, training and entertainment services; correspondence courses; publication of printed matter; electronic publishing services; coaching and guidance in the professional field; game services provided on-line from a computer network for entertainment and further education purposes; arranging and conducting of meetings in the field of education; preparation and hosting of conferences, congresses, seminars, symposiums, lectures, lessons and training courses; organization of educational events; tutoring; production and rental of educational and instructional materials; publication services; instruction and training services; lending of books and other publications; publication of educational and training guides; publication of printed matter; publication of educational material; further education; advanced training; provision of training and further training; provision of training facilities; provision of online training; provision of online tutorials
42 Scientific and technological services as well as research and design services relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computers and software; development, programming and rental of data processing programs; analysis, testing and research services, computer programming and software design; installation and maintenance of software; design, maintenance and updating of software
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
22. Mai 2019 2019/21 Gaz EM Ablehnung
04. September 2018 2018/49 Gaz CH Eintragung

ID: 141439711