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The International trademark VITAPAN EXCELL was filed as Word mark on 08/08/2018 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: May 24, 2019

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1439638
Register number 302016007297
Countries European Community
Base trademark DE No. 30 2016 007 297, March 22, 2016
Application date August 8, 2018
Expiration date August 8, 2028

Trademark owner

Spitalgasse 3
79713 Bad Säckingen

Trademark representatives

goods and services

05 Goods relating to dentistry, namely chemicals for use in dentistry, chemicals and soldering agents for use in dental technology, dental ceramic for making dentures, glass powder for making dentures, disinfectants for use in dentistry and for cleaning dental instruments; tooth-filling materials, in particular material for stopping teeth of ceramic and metal and material for stopping teeth of artificial resin and temporary material for stopping teeth, dental cement, impression material for dental and dental technical purposes, in particular impression plaster, impression wax and plastic impression materials, artificial resins for use in dentistry and dental technology, varnishes and lacquers for use in dentistry and dental technology, in particular dental lacquer; wax for use in dentistry and dental technology; modelling compounds and modelling goods for use in dental technology, cement and plaster for use in dentistry and dental technology; dental prosthetic materials, in particular metal-ceramic, all-ceramic; goods relating to dentistry, namely fastening materials for dentures, materials for making dentures, materials for making temporary crowns and bridges, insulating materials and bonding agents for making prostheses, modelling materials, impression materials; goods relating to dentistry, namely plastic films for use in dentistry [occlusion films]; materials for making dentures
10 Goods relating to dentistry, namely artificial teeth of dental ceramic, dental prostheses and individual parts therefor, dental bridges, artificial teeth of plastic; artificial teeth; dental apparatus and instruments, in particular color rings; color scales for determining the colors of artificial and natural teeth; crown pushers for dental purposes; goods relating to dentistry, namely mixing trays, glass or porcelain instrument dishes, instrument trays, spatulas, bottles, glass tubes, tablet tubes

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
May 22, 2019 2019/21 Gaz EM Rejection
August 8, 2018 2018/49 Gaz DE Registration

ID: 141439638