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The International trademark CANDRIAN was filed as Word mark on 04/16/2018 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: December 11, 2018

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1411018
Register number 713080
Countries European Community
Base trademark CH No. 713080, October 20, 2017
Application date April 16, 2018
Expiration date April 16, 2028

Trademark owner

Bahnhofplatz 15
8001 Zürich

Trademark representatives

Schulstrasse 1 7302 Landquart CH

goods and services

35 Advertising; commercial business management; commercial administration; business administration of hotels, restaurants and caterers; consultancy services relating to the administration and management of hotels and restaurants; advisory services relating to the operation of franchises; business advisory services relating to the establishment and operation of franchises; personnel assistance and support in companies (coaching); services provided by consultants relating to commercial management
41 Teaching; training; vocational skills training; entertainment services; sporting and cultural activities
43 Services for providing food and drink, temporary accommodation; food and drink service; services provided by consultants relating to food and beverage supplying; catering services; mobile catering services; operation of hotels, restaurants and bars; hotel, bar and restaurant services; provision of conference, exhibition and meeting facilities; take-away fast food services; snack bar services

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
December 7, 2018 2018/50 Gaz EM Rejection
April 16, 2018 2018/25 Gaz CH Registration

ID: 141411018