Computer and telecommunications network hardware and
software for implementing local area networks onboard
aircrafts to enable users to transmit and receive voice,
video, and data within the aircrafts, between the aircrafts,
between the aircrafts and the ground, and between the ground
and the aircrafts; local area network access points for
communicating with computer and telecommunications users
located onboard aircrafts for transmitting and receiving
voice, video, and data within the aircrafts, between the
aircrafts, between the aircrafts and the ground, and between
the ground and the aircrafts; computer and
telecommunications network hardware and software for
transmitting and receiving voice, video, and data between
computer and telecommunications users, located onboard an
aircraft, and computer, and telecommunications systems
located onboard the aircraft, computer and telecommunication
systems located onboard another aircraft, and computer and
telecommunications systems located on the ground; computer
and telecommunications network access server hardware and
software onboard aircrafts for transmitting and receiving
voice, video, and data from the ground to identified users
located onboard the aircrafts, from identified users located
onboard the aircrafts to the ground, and from identified
users located onboard one aircraft to identified users
onboard another aircraft, and between identified users
within an aircraft
Broadband and narrowband communication services onboard
aircrafts to enable users to transmit and receive voice,
video, and data within the aircrafts, between the aircrafts,
between the aircrafts and the ground, and between the ground
and the aircrafts; broadband and narrowband communication
services to interconnect users, located onboard an aircraft,
with users located onboard another aircraft, to interconnect
users located onboard an aircraft with users and
destinations on the ground, to interconnect users and
destinations on the ground with users onboard the aircrafts,
and to interconnect users located onboard an aircraft