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The International trademark LANDIS+GYR ENERGY AND CAPACITY OPTIMIZATION SYSTEM was filed as Word mark on 03/14/2017 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: October 19, 2022

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1352462
Register number 694804
Countries Australia European Community Japan Mexico United States of America (USA)
Base trademark CH No. 694804, October 10, 2016
Application date March 14, 2017
Expiration date March 14, 2027

Trademark owner

Alte Steinhauserstrasse 18

Trademark representatives

Alpha Tower, Suffolk Street Queensway GB

goods and services

09 Technological systems, consisting of software components and computer hardware components for guaranteeing a secure and reliable electricity supply via an electric distribution network, by secure use of the standards and concepts of the Internet of Things; electricity meters, gas meters, water meters, displays for energy meters and display screens, reader units for displaying energy consumption; apparatus and instruments for supplying, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and controlling electricity; energy, heat, pricing meters and their components; monitoring apparatus for meters and components thereof; calibration stations and components thereof; apparatus and computers for billing of energy and related services provided by energy supply companies; apparatus for capture, transfer and processing of measurement values and data, calculators and computers; databases, namely computer hardware and software for organizing, recording and accessing data; downloadable software for data capture, transfer and use in energy supply networks, as well as for managing energy and energy customers, collection of data on energy and customers, the energy market and trade, publication of reports on energy, energy pricing and billing, for calculation and breakdown of energy costs, for calculation and breakdown of taxes and administrative costs of the service provided to energy customers; electric and electronic installations for remote control, telemetry, remote measuring and centralized remote control and components thereof such as apparatus for billing and energy control, data transfer, processing and storage, process computers and computers
42 Technological development of computer systems (system of systems) comprising computer hardware and software to support a service program for the management and self-regulation of energy in an electrical distribution network; technical consultancy in the field of energy management, energy savings in connection with energy efficiency and energy use and energy customers, data collection on energy and on customers, the energy market and trade, information on energy, energy pricing and billing, calculation and breakdown of energy costs; scientific analyses of energy data; development, updating and maintenance of software in the field of management of energy and energy customers, data collection on energy and on customers, the energy market and trade, information on energy, energy pricing and billing, calculation and breakdown of energy costs; technical planning for installations as well as establishment of specifications in the field of management of energy and energy customers, data collection on energy and on customers, the energy market and trade, information on energy, energy pricing and billing, calculation and breakdown of energy costs; establishing technical expert opinions in the field of data collection (on energy, customers, the energy market and trade); accreditation, certification, technical control and performance of technical or scientific tests by sampling of equipment, apparatus and installations in the field of management of energy and energy customers, data collection on energy and customers, the energy market and trade, information on energy, energy pricing and billing, calculation and breakdown of energy costs; fraud and abuse detection in the field of management of energy and energy customers, data collection on energy and on customers, the energy market and trade, information on energy, energy pricing and billing, calculation and breakdown of energy costs; technical planning of infrastructure for points of sale

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
June 28, 2018 2018/32 Gaz JP RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
June 6, 2018 2018/23 Gaz MX Rejection
May 11, 2018 2018/25 Gaz US RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
February 9, 2018 2018/14 Gaz RAW: Limitation
January 9, 2018 2018/3 Gaz AU RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
December 7, 2017 2017/49 Gaz JP Rejection
December 1, 2017 2017/49 Gaz EM Rejection
August 7, 2017 2017/32 Gaz AU Rejection
July 12, 2017 2017/28 Gaz US Rejection
March 14, 2017 2017/24 Gaz CH Registration

ID: 141352462