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Die Internationale Marke NESHU wurde als Wortmarke am 14.02.2017 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Markendetails Letztes Update: 22. Februar 2021

Markenform Wortmarke
Aktenzeichen 1349126
Registernummer 4293642
Länder Europäische Gemeinschaft Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA) Schweiz
Basismarke FR Nr. 4293642, 10. Februar 2017
Anmeldedatum 14. Februar 2017
Ablaufdatum 14. Februar 2027


Rue du Lion-d’Or 4
1003 Lausanne


Rue Merle d'Aubigné 24 1207 Genève CH

Waren und Dienstleistungen

07 Automatic distribution machines; electric coffee grinders; electric orange-pressing machines; mixers [machines]
21 Dishware; coffee cups; teacups; large glass cups [mugs]; glassware for beverages; glass or plastic table plates; bowls; hand-operated coffee grinders; non-electric coffee filters; shakers; plastic glasses; paper cups; glass holders; glassware for domestic use; porcelain; earthenware; thermal insulated containers for food or beverages
29 Beverages made with chocolate milk or coffee
30 Coffee; tea; chocolate; cocoa; tea, coffee and chocolate substitutes; coffee-based beverages (including ice drinks); chocolate-based beverages (including ice drinks); cocoa-based beverages (including ice drinks); beverages containing ice-cream (affogato); flavoring syrups; pastry; bakery products; muffins; biscuits, cookies; brownies; scones; tarts; breads; bagels; sandwiches; pizzas; quiches; confectionery products; caramel cream; buns; ice cream; cakes; chocolate chips; cookies; wafers; shortbread; fruit cakes
32 Non-alcoholic beverages; carbonated drinks (including flavored); mineral beverages; fruit drinks and fruit juices; refreshing juices and drinks
35 Advertising; sale of food and drinks for consumption on or off the premises; retail services for food and drinks; advice relating to sales promotion; information concerning business sales; sales promotion for the benefit of others through distribution and management of cards for privileged users; advertising on the Internet for others; sales promotion services for others; organization, operation and supervision of sales and promotional incentive schemes; provision of information and advice to consumers regarding a selection of products and items to be sold; provision of commercial information relating to the tracing of foodstuffs
39 Transport and delivery by means of mobile restaurant trucks of food, beverages, meals and other food and catering products for consumption on or off the premises
43 Restaurants; coffee shops; cafeterias; snack bars; coffee bars; provision of drinks and food for immediate consumption; preparing food and beverages to take away; rental of tents, tables, chairs, table linen and glassware
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
11. April 2019 2019/16 Gaz US RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
25. Mai 2018 2018/22 Gaz CH Ablehnung
10. November 2017 2017/46 Gaz EM Ablehnung
30. Juni 2017 2017/27 Gaz US Ablehnung
14. Februar 2017 2017/21 Gaz FR Eintragung

ID: 141349126