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The International trademark VITALSPHERE was filed as Word mark on 08/04/2016 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: April 18, 2018

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1323744
Register number 288702
Countries Australia Colombia European Community India Mexico United States of America (USA) China
Base trademark AT No. 288702, July 15, 2016
Application date August 4, 2016
Expiration date August 4, 2026

Trademark owner

Innovationsstrasse 1
A-1100 Wien

Trademark representatives

Landstrasser Hauptstrasse 50 A-1030 Wien AT

goods and services

09 Telecommunication networks, electric and electronic apparatus for the aforesaid networks; computer hardware, software and computer peripheral devices, in particular for use in telecommunications, mainly for air traffic control; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, data processing apparatus and computers
37 Installation, repair and maintenance of telecommunication networks, in particular for use in telecommunications, installation of hardware mainly for air traffic control
38 Providing access to computer networks, in particular to telecommunication networks, in particular for air traffic control systems; providing telecommunication connections to computer networks, providing access to databases by means of communications technology, electronic transmission of data, in particular of audio and video content (streaming), images and documents via global computer networks; electronic message sending; communications via electronic networks; organising communications access to national and international computer networks; providing communications access to global computer networks, in particular the Internet; transmission of messages and images, in particular for use in telecommunications, mainly for air traffic control
42 Design of computer hardware and software as well as telecommunication networks; consultancy in the fields of computer technology and computer security, in the fields of telecommunications networks and security in the aforementioned networks, in particular for use in telecommunications, mainly for air traffic control

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
March 6, 2018 2018/10 Gaz CO Rejection
March 2, 2018 2018/15 Gaz US RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
January 24, 2018 2018/4 Gaz MX Rejection
October 18, 2017 2017/42 Gaz CN Rejection
September 25, 2017 2017/39 Gaz IN Rejection
May 17, 2017 2017/21 Gaz EM Rejection
April 10, 2017 2017/15 Gaz AU Rejection
January 10, 2017 2017/2 Gaz US Rejection
August 4, 2016 2016/49 Gaz AT Registration

ID: 141323744