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Die Internationale Marke virion\serion wurde als Bildmarke am 25.05.2016 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Zeichen, Notationen, Symbole #Andere geometrische Figuren, undefinierbare Designs #Farben #Andere Zeichen, Notationen oder Symbole, º (temp), #, Strichcodes #Drei vorherrschende Farben

Markendetails Letztes Update: 22. Juni 2018

Markenform Bildmarke
Aktenzeichen 1323592
Länder Europäische Gemeinschaft Norwegen Schweiz China Serbien Russland Vietnam
Basismarke DE Nr. 30 2016 013 726, 09. Mai 2016
Anmeldedatum 25. Mai 2016
Ablaufdatum 25. Mai 2026


Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 19
97076 Würzburg


Waren und Dienstleistungen

01 Chemical reagents for scientific and industrial purposes; chemical rinsing fluids, cleaning fluids, sheath fluids for detection apparatus; chemical reagents for scientific and industrial purposes, namely, carrier particles (coated with biomolecules and active substances); chemical reagents for scientific and industrial purposes, namely, conjugates (biomolecules and active substances); suspensions with carrier particles, test control particles and similar chemical substances for scientific and research purposes
05 Pharmaceutical products, namely, diagnostic agents, in particular reagents for conducting diagnostic assays (in particular immunoassays for diagnosing infectious diseases), reagents for verifying the validity of diagnostic tests that have been performed, reagents for the complement binding reaction for the detection of antibodies in samples
09 Scientific apparatus and instruments, namely, test kits for diagnostic purposes, in particular test kits or test systems for determining the concentration of specific antibodies against various infectious agents in the serum of a patient and comprising reaction vessels, such as tubes, microtiter plates or filter plates (with the reaction vessels already being able to contain test components such as coated particles and conjugates), solutions containing antigen-coated particles, solutions containing control particles for the control of detector and conjugate, with serum dilution buffers, conjugates, washing buffers, standard serum, positive controls, negative controls, cut-off serum, with a quality control certificate with target values, tolerance ranges and options for quantifying results; detection apparatus; automation apparatus, reaction vessels, tubes, microtiter plates, filter plates for laboratory use; covering films and lids for closing reaction vessels; laboratory vessels; software for researching and/or detecting biomolecules and/or active substances from human, animal or plant research materials, for activating detection apparatus, for the recording and analysis of data, for activating automation apparatus, for communications between detection apparatus and automation apparatus, for the quantitative evaluation of graphic representations of data; bar code readers; sample holder modules (for example, sample carousels, sample racks), pipetting modules for thinning samples and transferring control substances and reagents, transfer modules for repositioning samples and reaction vessels on work surfaces, incubation modules (shaking unit with temperature control option), optional washing modules, pipette tips
10 Medical apparatus and instruments for laboratory use, in particular automatic machines for detecting proteins and viruses and other components in samples
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
15. Mai 2018 2018/25 Gaz RU RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
11. Mai 2018 2018/22 Gaz NO RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
17. November 2017 2017/47 Gaz CH Ablehnung
16. November 2017 2017/47 Gaz VN Ablehnung
16. November 2017 2018/10 Gaz RS Ablehnung
18. Oktober 2017 2017/42 Gaz CN Ablehnung
10. Oktober 2017 2017/42 Gaz RU Ablehnung
17. Mai 2017 2017/21 Gaz EM Ablehnung
30. März 2017 2017/15 Gaz NO Ablehnung
25. Mai 2016 2016/49 Gaz DE Eintragung

ID: 141323592