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The International trademark TIMBERISE was filed as Word mark on 09/09/2015 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: November 27, 2020

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1277522
Register number 014036305
Countries Switzerland China United States of America (USA)
Base trademark EU No. 014036305, August 25, 2015
Application date September 9, 2015
Expiration date September 9, 2025

Trademark owner

Färbergasse 17b
A-6850 Dornbirn

Trademark representatives

goods and services

19 Building and construction materials and elements, not of metal; structures and transportable buildings, not of metal; statues and works of art made of materials such as stone, concrete and marble, included in the class; doors, gates, windows and window coverings, not of metal
35 Business analysis, research and information services; business assistance, management and administrative services; commercial trading and consumer information services; advertising, marketing and promotional services
37 Building, construction and demolition; mining, and oil and gas extraction; extermination, disinfection and pest control; rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction and demolition
42 Research in the field of science and technology

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
January 18, 2018 2018/5 Gaz US RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
March 14, 2017 2017/11 Gaz CN Rejection
November 28, 2016 2016/49 Gaz CH Rejection
January 7, 2016 2016/2 Gaz US Rejection
September 9, 2015 2015/48 Gaz EM Registration

ID: 141277522