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The International trademark STRONGBOW APPLE CIDERS was filed as Figurative mark on 03/25/2015 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Grain, seeds, fruits #Letters presenting a special form of writing #Apples #Letters underlined, overlined, framed or barred by one or more strokes

Trademark Details Last update: June 5, 2023

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 1263142
Register number 0966582
Countries European Community Israel Japan Mexico Norway Singapore Turkey United States of America (USA) Zimbabwe Bosnia and Herzegovina Egypt Liberia Montenegro Serbia Sierra Leone Vietnam
Base trademark BX No. 0966582, February 16, 2015
Application date March 25, 2015
Expiration date March 25, 2025

Trademark owner

Tweede Weteringplantsoen 21
1017 ZD Amsterdam

Trademark representatives

Barbara Strozzilaan 201 1083 HN Amsterdam NL

goods and services

32 Beer; fruit beer; ale; bitter (beer); lager; stout; porter; shandy; mineral water; fruit flavoured beer; vegetable flavoured beer; apple beer; aerated water; non-alcoholic drinks; fruit flavoured drinks; fruit juices; vegetable flavoured drinks; vegetable juices; cordials; mixtures containing any of the aforesaid; non-alcoholic preparations for making any of the aforesaid
33 Alcoholic beverages; cider; perry; wines; spirits; liqueurs; cocktails; alcoholic extracts; alcoholic essences; alcoholic carbonates; alcoholic beverages containing fruit, fruit juice or fruit essence; alcoholic beverages containing vegetables, vegetable juice or vegetable essence; mixtures containing any of the aforesaid; alcoholic preparations for making any of the aforesaid

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
May 25, 2023 2023/22 Gaz US RAW: Partial Invalidation
December 30, 2020 2021/2 Gaz EG Rejection
August 22, 2019 2019/35 Gaz JP RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
April 25, 2019 2019/17 Gaz JP Rejection
June 28, 2018 2018/33 Gaz TR RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
June 14, 2018 2018/24 Gaz Correction
December 19, 2017 2017/51 Gaz Correction
September 22, 2017 2017/39 Gaz VN Rejection
July 5, 2017 2017/27 Gaz MX RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
June 1, 2017 2017/26 Gaz TR Rejection
April 2, 2017 2017/21 Gaz IL Rejection
January 25, 2017 2017/4 Gaz Correction
January 13, 2017 2017/3 Gaz NO RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
November 10, 2016 2016/46 Gaz MX Rejection
September 6, 2016 2016/40 Gaz EG Rejection
August 19, 2016 2016/42 Gaz BA Rejection
August 9, 2016 2016/43 Gaz US RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
July 29, 2016 2016/44 Gaz RS Rejection
July 26, 2016 2016/42 Gaz Correction
July 6, 2016 2016/43 Gaz ME Rejection
July 5, 2016 2016/28 Gaz EM Rejection
February 19, 2016 2016/8 Gaz SG Rejection
December 28, 2015 2016/3 Gaz NO Rejection
September 15, 2015 2015/38 Gaz US Rejection
March 25, 2015 2015/34 Gaz BX Registration

ID: 141263142