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The International trademark APPLIEDVR was filed as Word mark on 02/27/2015 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: April 21, 2020

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1255781
Countries Australia China European Community Japan South Korea Singapore
Base trademark US No. 86386173, September 5, 2014
Application date February 27, 2015
Expiration date February 27, 2025

Trademark owner

1900 Avenue of the Stars,
16TH floor

Trademark representatives

1401 Eye ("I") Street, N.W., Suite 800 Washington, District of Columbia 20005 US

goods and services

42 Design and development of software and customized virtual technology

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
November 21, 2016 2016/48 Gaz AU Rejection
May 18, 2016 2016/32 Gaz EM Rejection
May 10, 2016 2016/26 Gaz KR Rejection
May 9, 2016 2016/25 Gaz CN Rejection
April 20, 2016 2016/53 Gaz US RAW: Partial Ceasing Effect
January 27, 2016 2016/5 Gaz SG Rejection
December 17, 2015 2015/51 Gaz JP Rejection
December 7, 2015 2015/50 Gaz KR Rejection
August 4, 2015 2015/32 Gaz AU Rejection
February 27, 2015 2015/27 Gaz US Registration

ID: 141255781