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The International trademark FABER HALBERTSMA was filed as Figurative mark on 05/07/2014 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: March 4, 2022

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 1214002
Register number 0947970
Countries European Community Norway Turkey Switzerland Russia Ukraine
Base trademark BX No. 0947970, February 17, 2014
Application date May 7, 2014
Expiration date May 7, 2024

Trademark owner

Prinses Beatrixstraat 35
4024 HL Eck en Wiel

Trademark representatives

Hoogoorddreef 5 1101 BA Amsterdam Zuid-Oost NL

goods and services

20 Pallets, transport boxes, containers, boxes and crates not made of metal
37 Maintenance and repair of building materials of wood, pallets, containers, boxes and crates
39 Transport; packing and storage of goods; leasing and letting of pallets, containers, boxes and crates, all aforesaid services related to pallets pooling, as known as circulation of pallets through and between several users; localization and tracking of carriers; logistics planning and consultancy relating to the aforesaid services

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
November 13, 2016 2017/7 Gaz TR RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
August 14, 2015 2015/34 Gaz UA Rejection
August 4, 2015 2015/33 Gaz RU Rejection
July 1, 2015 2015/27 Gaz CH Rejection
June 23, 2015 2015/26 Gaz EM Rejection
June 10, 2015 2015/27 Gaz TR Rejection
March 6, 2015 2015/11 Gaz NO Rejection
May 7, 2014 BX Registration

ID: 141214002