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The International trademark LSA-PLUS HDS was filed as Word mark on 10/22/2012 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: May 12, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1147222
Register number 010836435
Countries Australia China Egypt Israel Russia Turkey
Base trademark EU No. 010836435, September 24, 2012
Application date October 22, 2012
Expiration date October 22, 2022

Trademark owner

1100 CommScope Place SE
Hickory NC 28602

Trademark representatives

P.O. Box 2910 Minneapolis, MN 55402-0910 US

goods and services

06 Metal attachment elements for connecting strips, switching strips and isolating strips, in particular connecting parts, connecting frames, metallic rod racks and metallic mounting brackets; metal attachment materials, specifically screws, screws for making contact with cable sheaths, cable ties, cable clamps, mounting brackets and cable attachment lugs
08 Manually operated tools for mounting the connecting strips, switching strips and isolating strips; manually operated tools for connection to and making contact between cable cores and electrical contacts
09 Connecting parts for electrical connection of data and telecommunications cables, in particular connecting strips, switching strips and isolating strips provided with electrical contacts; electrical contact elements for making contact with cable cores, in particular insulation displacement contacts; electrical adaptors for the connecting strips, switching strips and isolating strips for isolation, testing or switching of the cable cores connected to the strips, in particular isolating, test and switching adaptors; adapted dust protection devices for covering and for protection of freely accessible contacts; electrical plug connections for connection of electrical and optical cables, in particular plugs, sockets, isolating and test plugs, couplings; overvoltage protection and safety devices as current and voltage protection for electrical cables; adapted metal or plastic front panels for distribution racks (electricity); plastic cable bushing sleeves and grommets (electricity); plastic cable covers (electricity); adapted housings and enclosures for holding wiring and connecting devices for electronic devices, in particular cable junctions, terminating junctions, terminations; junction boxes (electricity); main and secondary distribution cabinets (electricity) for electronic devices; automatic distribution panels (electricity); connecting cables and test cords for electronic purposes
20 Plastic end cap frames; plastic attachment elements for connecting strips, switching strips and isolating strips, in particular connecting parts, connecting frames; plastic attachment materials, specifically cable ties, cable clamps, mounting brackets and cable attachment lugs; plastic jumpering hooks and guides (attachment material)

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
May 6, 2023 2023/18 Gaz Deletion
January 1, 2015 2015/3 Gaz IL RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
September 15, 2014 2014/38 Gaz TR Rejection
June 5, 2014 2014/24 Gaz RU RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
April 23, 2014 2014/28 Gaz JP RAW: Second Part Fee Not Paid
March 11, 2014 2014/12 Gaz IL Rejection
February 4, 2014 2014/7 Gaz RU Rejection
January 23, 2014 2014/4 Gaz JP RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
January 7, 2014 2014/6 Gaz CN Rejection
October 16, 2013 2013/42 Gaz AU RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
July 4, 2013 2013/27 Gaz JP Rejection
February 21, 2013 2013/8 Gaz AU Rejection
October 22, 2012 2013/5 Gaz EM Registration

ID: 141147222