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The International trademark CHOCOLA'RDISES was filed as Word mark on 11/07/2012 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: May 26, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1144966
Register number 123920802
Countries Benelux Switzerland
Base trademark FR No. 12 3 920 802, September 7, 2012
Application date November 7, 2012
Expiration date November 7, 2022

Trademark owner

Zone Industrielle
F-88510 ELOYES

Trademark representatives

Bâtiment O2, 2 rue Sarah Bernhardt, CS 90017 FR

goods and services

30 Pastry, confectionery, sugar confectionery, cookies, chocolate, products based on chocolate, cocoa, sugar confectionery and chocolate confectionery products, these goods can be deep-frozen

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
May 20, 2023 2023/20 Gaz Deletion
December 19, 2013 2014/12 Gaz CH Rejection
April 15, 2013 2013/16 Gaz BX Rejection
November 7, 2012 2013/2 Gaz FR Registration

ID: 141144966