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The International trademark Kihlström was filed as Word mark on 05/03/2012 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: May 12, 2022

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1122377
Register number 010441021
Countries China South Korea Russia Singapore Turkey
Base trademark EU No. 010441021, March 2, 2012
Application date May 3, 2012
Expiration date May 3, 2032

Trademark owner

1385 Fairport Road
Fairport NY 14450

Trademark representatives

6920 Seaway Blvd. Everett WA 98203 US

goods and services

09 Mechanical, electromechanical, electric, electronic and sensor-based measuring, regulating and monitoring equipment; measuring, calculating, controlling and regulating apparatus for the activating, controlling, regulating, monitoring, testing and supervision of transformers, switching apparatus, multiple contact switches on transformers and motor drives, and for securing and improving quality in energy supply systems; individual parts and assemblies for the aforesaid apparatus and instruments
37 Assembly, commissioning, maintenance, servicing and repair of electric apparatus and instruments for weak current engineering
42 Creation, installation, commissioning, maintenance, servicing and repair of computer programs; engineering services in connection with electrical apparatus and instruments for weak current engineering, namely consultancy, research, technical project planning, quality control and drawing up of technical reports

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
April 14, 2022 2022/19 Gaz Extension
June 24, 2015 2015/29 Gaz SG RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
April 15, 2015 2015/16 Gaz US Rejection
January 26, 2015 2016/26 Gaz CO RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
December 5, 2014 2015/2 Gaz NO RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
August 7, 2014 2014/38 Gaz IL RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
June 11, 2014 2014/25 Gaz UA RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
May 2, 2014 2014/26 Gaz TR Rejection
March 12, 2014 2014/11 Gaz KR RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
October 14, 2013 2013/44 Gaz KR Rejection
October 10, 2013 2013/45 Gaz SG Rejection
September 18, 2013 2013/40 Gaz NO Rejection
August 13, 2013 2013/33 Gaz CO Rejection
August 9, 2013 2013/33 Gaz UA Rejection
August 8, 2013 2013/39 Gaz VN Rejection
August 6, 2013 2013/33 Gaz IL Rejection
July 12, 2013 2013/32 Gaz BY Rejection
May 27, 2013 2013/23 Gaz RU Rejection
April 29, 2013 2013/18 Gaz CN Rejection
February 14, 2013 2013/14 Gaz EM Correction
January 31, 2013 2013/5 Gaz JP Rejection
January 3, 2013 2013/1 Gaz KR Rejection
December 3, 2012 2012/49 Gaz AU Rejection
August 29, 2012 2012/35 Gaz US Rejection
August 9, 2012 2013/25 Gaz HR Rejection
May 3, 2012 2012/30 Gaz EM Registration
Partial deletion

ID: 141122377