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The International trademark was filed as Figurative mark on 02/15/2012 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Men #Armed men or men wearing armour or a uniform

Trademark Details Last update: November 11, 2022

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 1120213
Countries China European Community Norway Russia Turkey
Base trademark GB No. 2607923, January 23, 2012
Application date February 15, 2012
Expiration date February 15, 2032

Trademark owner

Milton Keynes, Kiln Farm MK11 3DR

Trademark representatives

One Portwall Square, Portwall Lane GB

goods and services

09 Electrical and electronic controls and systems namely, programmable logic controllers, electronic input/output controls, electronic operator interfaces, circuit protectors, push buttons, touch buttons, relays, timers, signalling controls, terminal blocks, network hardware and equipment, contactors, relays, emergency stop devices, electrical switches, pressure sensitive electronic mats, and interlock switches; sensors, namely photoelectric sensors, inductive, capacitive and ultrasonic proximity sensors, limit switches, encoders, speed sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, light curtain sensors; computer software for providing human/machine interface and visualisation; computer software for use in the design, operation and maintenance of industrial automation processes

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
February 15, 2022 2022/7 Gaz Extension
June 11, 2019 2019/26 Gaz CN RAW: Rule 18ter(4) all goods and services protected
October 5, 2015 2015/41 Gaz CN Rejection
September 8, 2015 2015/37 Gaz EM Rejection
August 5, 2014 2014/43 Gaz Correction
February 3, 2014 2014/7 Gaz TR Rejection
May 20, 2013 2013/22 Gaz RU Rejection
March 1, 2013 2013/10 Gaz NO Rejection
February 15, 2012 2012/27 Gaz GB Registration

ID: 141120213