Tiroler Almwurst


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The International trademark Tiroler Almwurst was filed as Figurative mark on 02/16/2012 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Building materials, walls, gates or barriers, scaffolding #Letters presenting a special form of writing #Colours #Representations of wood #Three predominant colours

Trademark Details Last update: August 30, 2022

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 1114982
Register number 265143
Countries European Community Switzerland
Base trademark AT No. 265 143, December 15, 2011
Application date February 16, 2012
Expiration date February 16, 2022

Trademark owner

A-6551 Pians 33

Trademark representatives

Landstraßer Hauptstraße 50 A-1030 Wien AT

goods and services

29 Meat and meat products, sausages and charcuterie, smoked meat and sausage products, sausages, raw sausages, air-dried and smoked sausages, pork, meat loaf, ham, bacon bits, fried and roasted bacon slices and pieces

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
August 27, 2022 2022/34 Gaz Deletion
February 20, 2014 2014/18 Gaz CH Rejection
May 21, 2013 2013/22 Gaz CH Rejection
April 18, 2013 2013/23 Gaz EM Rejection
June 20, 2012 2012/26 Gaz EM Rejection
February 16, 2012 2012/19 Gaz AT Registration

ID: 141114982