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The International trademark LEAVERBUSTER was filed as Word mark on 07/07/2011 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: July 8, 2021

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1087916
Countries Australia Bosnia and Herzegovina Belarus Switzerland China Egypt European Community Croatia Israel Japan South Korea Macedonia Norway Serbia Russia Singapore Turkey Ukraine Vietnam
Base trademark US No. 85292660, April 12, 2011
Application date July 7, 2011
Expiration date July 7, 2031

Trademark owner

12333 West Olympic Boulevard
Los Angeles CA 90064

Trademark representatives

1740 Broadway New York NY 10019 US

goods and services

42 Providing temporary use of non-downloadable software that enhances computer and video game play by detecting and tracking computer and video game users that habitually leave computer and video games during game play and issuing suspensions to those users

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
May 4, 2021 2021/27 Gaz Extension
June 26, 2014 2014/29 Gaz BY Rejection
January 24, 2014 2014/11 Gaz BA Rejection
December 19, 2013 2014/6 Gaz RS Rejection
February 7, 2013 2013/7 Gaz IL Rejection
December 5, 2012 2013/2 Gaz US Correction
September 6, 2012 2012/36 Gaz VN Rejection
August 27, 2012 2012/36 Gaz CH Rejection
August 16, 2012 2012/33 Gaz JP RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
August 14, 2012 2012/33 Gaz UA Rejection
July 11, 2012 2012/28 Gaz EM Rejection
June 25, 2012 2012/27 Gaz RU Rejection
June 15, 2012 2012/25 Gaz NO Rejection
June 4, 2012 2012/23 Gaz KR Rejection
April 4, 2012 2012/18 Gaz SG Rejection
March 12, 2012 2012/11 Gaz CN Rejection
March 1, 2012 2012/9 Gaz JP Rejection
January 30, 2012 2012/5 Gaz AU Rejection
September 8, 2011 2012/34 Gaz HR Rejection
July 7, 2011 2011/34 Gaz US Registration

ID: 141087916