TMD Friction


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The International trademark TMD Friction was filed as Word mark on 01/27/2011 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: August 10, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1069365
Register number 005681309
Countries United Arab Emirates Australia Belarus Canada China United Kingdom Japan South Korea Russia Singapore Turkey Ukraine
Base trademark EU No. 005681309, February 13, 2008
Application date January 27, 2011
Expiration date January 27, 2031

Trademark owner

Schlebuscher Str. 99
51381 Leverkusen

Trademark representatives

Schlebuscher Str. 99 51381 Leverkusen DE

goods and services

12 Coupling and brake linings of friction materials, bearings, guide parts, vibration absorbers and seals of sliding materials; equipment parts for brakes and couplings, namely brake segments, brake blocks, brake drums, brake discs, springs, brake lining and clutch lining supports, pressure plates, brake bands, all the aforesaid goods included in this class for land, water and air vehicles

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
August 9, 2023 2023/32 Gaz GB Rejection
April 24, 2023 2023/17 Gaz Correction
January 27, 2021 2021/5 Gaz Extension
February 7, 2014 2014/26 Gaz CN RAW: Rule 18ter(4) all goods and services protected
June 11, 2013 2013/26 Gaz TR RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
October 26, 2012 2012/46 Gaz RU RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
October 8, 2012 2012/43 Gaz UA Rejection
March 12, 2012 2012/11 Gaz KR RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
March 1, 2012 2012/9 Gaz JP RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
February 21, 2012 2012/12 Gaz BY Rejection
December 14, 2011 2011/51 Gaz RU Rejection
September 27, 2011 2011/41 Gaz CN Rejection
September 26, 2011 2011/41 Gaz Correction
September 15, 2011 2011/37 Gaz KR Rejection
September 8, 2011 2011/36 Gaz JP Rejection
July 12, 2011 2011/30 Gaz TR Rejection
January 27, 2011 2011/10 Gaz EM Registration

ID: 141069365