SLIB securities software solutions


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Die Internationale Marke SLIB securities software solutions wurde als Bildmarke am 10.09.2010 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Pflanzen, Gegenstände oder geometrische Figuren, die eine Person oder ein Tier darstellen; Masken oder phantastische oder nicht identifizierbare Köpfe #Briefe, die eine besondere Form des Schreibens darstellen #Farben #Andere nicht identifizierbare Personifikationen, andere phantastische Wesen menschlichen Aussehens, Geister, Schneemänner, Vogelscheuchen und Gespenster #Buchstabenreihen in verschiedenen Dimensionen #Drei vorherrschende Farben

Markendetails Letztes Update: 15. Februar 2021

Markenform Bildmarke
Aktenzeichen 1063384
Länder Großbritannien Benelux Deutschland Spanien Italien
Basismarke FR Nr. 10 3 755 892, 23. Juli 2010
Anmeldedatum 10. September 2010
Ablaufdatum 10. September 2030


1 boulevard Haussmann
F-75009 PARIS


60 rue Pierre Charron F-75008 Paris FR

Waren und Dienstleistungen

35 Advertising; business management; business administration; business management and organization consultancy; business enquiries or information; activities and provision of services of trade or civil natures, with a view to distributing and managing securities in all forms; administrative management of computing infrastructures and information systems on behalf of industrial companies, commercial companies (information management), consulting on managing computing systems and computer technology; computerized file management; consultancy services relating to business and information services on commercial companies provided online from a computer database or the Internet; designing advertisements used as web pages on global computer networks; online presentation of advertising texts
36 Banking; banking; banking; credit bureaux; debt collection agencies; financial analysis; insurance underwriting; savings banks; credit card services; surety services; mutual funds; insurance consultancy; financial consultancy; stock exchange quotations; brokerage; securities brokerage; credit bureaux; hire-purchase financing; deposits of valuables; safe deposit services; issue of tokens of value; issuing of travellers' checks; savings banks; financial evaluation (insurance, banking, real estate); financing services; mutual funds; financial information; capital investments; exchanging money; banking; banking; instalment loans; payment of funds; loans (finances); pawnbrokerage; banking; electronic funds transfer; check verification; activities and provision of services of commercial or civil nature with a view to distributing managing securities in all forms; providing information on markets, finances, investment and investments; financial and stock market information services
38 Communications by computer terminals, via fiber-optic networks; telephone call centres; electronic mail; information about telecommunication; telecommunications and information services (including web pages), telecommunication services provided via the Internet, electronic and computer mail and message services; provision of access by telecommunication means and connection to a computer database or to the Internet; providing by telecommunication the means to format publications in electronic form; information transmission (texts, graphics, images, audiovisual and multimedia information, documents, databases, monetary, financial, banking information), provided online from a computer database or the Internet; providing access to a computer, monetary and financial database; rental of access time to a computer database; all above-mentioned services pertaining only to the banking sectors
42 Information systems consulting, tuning information technology strategies for companies; technical consulting and analyses on information systems and information technology; computer programming; design and development of software and software packages applied to banking services, financial services and monetary services; updating of computer software and software packages applied to banking services, financial services and monetary services; rental of computer software applied to banking, financial services and monetary services; rental of computers, rental of data processing systems, namely rental of infrastructures (peripheral servers, networks) applied to banking, financial services and monetary services; consultancy in the field of computer hardware; technical support in computing; management of computing infrastructures on behalf of industrial or commercial companies (information management); monitoring computer infrastructures and computer management services (information management); consulting in management of computing systems for firms; consulting in design and development of information systems and computer technologies; advice on establishment and management of information systems and information technology; consultancy in the field of computer hardware and of data processing apparatus, design, implementation, development and hosting of Internet sites; all above-mentioned services pertaining only to banking, financial, monetary fields
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
10. September 2020 2020/37 Gaz Verlängerung
25. April 2012 2012/27 Gaz ES RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
02. April 2012 2012/17 Gaz IT Ablehnung
17. Januar 2012 2012/3 Gaz BX Ablehnung
03. Januar 2012 2012/2 Gaz DE Ablehnung
05. Dezember 2011 2011/49 Gaz ES Ablehnung
08. Juni 2011 2011/30 Gaz FR Korrektur
16. Mai 2011 2011/20 Gaz GB Ablehnung
10. September 2010 2011/3 Gaz FR Eintragung

ID: 141063384