Machines and apparatus for the generation of compressed air,
vacuum and flow (included in this class), radiators
(cooling) (included in this class); motors other than for
land vehicles; coupling and driving belts (other than for
land vehicles); compressors (machines); fittings for
compressors and machines; oil separators (machine parts);
joints (machine parts); speed governors for machines and
motors; pneumatic transporters; compressed air machines;
compressed air motors; compressed air pumps; pressure valves
(machine parts); pressure regulators (machine parts);
pressure reducers (machine parts); generators of
electricity; electric motors other than for land vehicles;
de-aerators (machine parts); filters (machine or motor
parts); blowing machines for the compression, exhaustion and
transport of gases; blowing engines; machine housings;
hangers (parts of machines); gear boxes, other than for land
vehicles; pressure tanks (machine parts); air condensers;
ball-bearings; shaft couplings (machines); cranks (parts of
machines); crank shafts; machine wheels; stands for
machines; tables for machines; axles for machines; pump
diaphragms; pneumatic tools; pneumatic controls for machines
and motors; pumps (machine or motor parts); air suction
machines; turbines, other than for land vehicles;
superchargers; fans for motors; valves (machine parts)
Apparatus and instruments for data transmission and
installations consisting entirely or mainly thereof, only in
combination with controls for compressors and other
compressed air applications; apparatus and instruments for
process and machine control, only in combination with
controls for compressors and other compressed air