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Die Internationale Marke ACTIFSOURCE wurde als Wortmarke am 12.01.2009 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Markendetails Letztes Update: 31. Dezember 2021

Markenform Wortmarke
Aktenzeichen 1003407
Registernummer 579600
Länder Europäische Gemeinschaft Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA) China
Basismarke CH Nr. 579600, 15. September 2008
Anmeldedatum 12. Januar 2009
Ablaufdatum 12. Januar 2029


Twärfallenstrasse 3
6313 Finstersee


Mellingerstrasse 2a, Postfach 2006 CH

Waren und Dienstleistungen

09 Computer software; computer programmes; recorded computer programmes; downloadable computer programmes; interfaces (for computers); application programmes, recorded computer operating system programmes; downloadable electronic publications; downloadable electronic publications and data
16 Printed matter; books; pamphlets; magazines (periodicals), periodicals; manuals; computer programme manuals; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus)
41 Correspondence courses; arranging and conducting of training workshops, conferences, symposiums, seminars, colloquiums; electronic publishing services; electronic publishing of books and periodicals online; publishing of books, magazines and periodicals; providing electronic publications and publishing online; publishing of books, newspapers, periodicals and other data media, also via telecommunication networks
42 Software updating; software consultancy; software design and development, computer services for the installation and maintenance of networks (software); maintenance and repair of computer software; computer consulting; analyses for the installation of computer systems; computer programme projects; installation, integration and maintenance of computer programmes; computer data and programme conversion; computer programme duplication; on-line monitoring including analysis of access to computer networks, database reconstruction
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
18. Dezember 2021 2021/52 Gaz US RAW: Total Invalidation
12. Januar 2019 2019/6 Gaz Verlängerung
06. August 2010 2013/18 Gaz US RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
11. Juni 2010 2010/28 Gaz CN Ablehnung
11. Mai 2010 2010/19 Gaz EM Ablehnung
09. September 2009 2009/43 Gaz CH Korrektur
15. Juli 2009 2009/33 Gaz US Ablehnung
12. Januar 2009 2009/24 Gaz CH Eintragung

ID: 141003407