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The US trademark GU DONG was filed as Word and figurative mark on 12/17/2019 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 01/12/2021. The current status of the mark is "REGISTERED".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Other natural phenomena not classified in other divisions or categories, soil, aurora borealis (Northern Lights) #Islands, reefs #USPTO: 27.03.05 - Objects forming letters or numerals #USPTO: 28.01.03 - Japanese characters, Chinese characters, Japanese and Chinese characters

Trademark Details Last update: December 6, 2021

Trademark form Word and figurative mark
File reference 6242837
Register number 88730156
Application date December 17, 2019
Entry date January 12, 2021
Expiration date January 12, 2031

Trademark owner

1212 N Atherton St
16803 State College

Trademark representatives

2880 Zanker Road, #203 95134 San Jose US

goods and services

29 Meats and Processed Foods
43 Hotel and restaurant services

ID: 13